Single-Touch Method: The ultimate hack to Mastering Laundry Organization

Single-Touch Method: The ultimate hack to Mastering Laundry Organization

Aug 28, 2023

What is the Single-Touch Rule?

The single-touch rule is a straightforward method that can drastically reduce your laundry pile. Here's how it works: if you pull out an outfit from your wardrobe and decide against wearing it, put it back where it belongs immediately.

If you've worn an outfit once and believe it could be worn again before washing, assign a particular spot in your closet for such items. At the end of the week, review these lightly worn items, inspect for any stains, and decide if they need washing.

And if you've worn an outfit that directly needs to be washed, place it in your laundry basket right away. Remember, clothes don't magically move themselves from the floor or chair to the laundry basket!

Benefits of the Single-Touch Rule

Adopting the single-touch rule can yield numerous benefits. It not only keeps your room tidy but also saves you the time and energy spent on picking up and sorting through scattered clothes. This rule ensures that your clothes are always where they should be - either in your closet, assigned spot, or in the laundry basket.

How to Implement the Single-Touch Rule

Implementing the single-touch rule is easy. The first step is to decide on a designated spot in your closet for lightly worn items. This could be a separate drawer, a specific hanger, or even a box.

Next, make a habit of returning clothes immediately back to their original place if you decide against wearing them. This might be difficult in the beginning, but with time, it will become second nature.

Lastly, if you've worn an outfit that directly needs to be washed, put it in your laundry basket right away. Ensure you have a laundry basket in a convenient location to make this process seamless.

Single-Touch Rule and Sustainability

The single-touch rule isn't just about organization and efficiency. It also promotes sustainability by encouraging you to wear clothes more than once before washing. This not only extends the life of your clothes but also saves water and energy, contributing to environmental conservation.


The single-touch rule is a simple yet effective tool for mastering laundry organization. By ensuring that each piece of clothing is touched only once before it's put back in its place, you can keep your room tidy, save time, and contribute to sustainability. So why wait? Start implementing the single-touch rule today and witness the transformation in your laundry routine.

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